Published in Jun 2017

Stop telling me whites are poor too, as a way to cope with black poverty

Stop telling me whites are poor too, as a way to cope with black poverty. The bottom 50% of America controls 1% of the personal wealth. If your family is not worth $85,000.00, you are in the bottom fifty percent of America. Over 80% of black families are in the bottom 50%, with a huge chunk of those not in the group barely above the 85k line. If we deduct depreciating assets like the family car the numbers worsen. Do the math is your household worth at least more than $85,000.

While some whites are poor, nearly all blacks are locked out of the American Dream and don't know it.

Note: The top fifty percent of white families control nearly 90% of American personal wealth and it is growing. All of black America controls 2.6% of the personal wealth, and it is shrinking due to wealth calcification among other factors.


1) It will take 228 Years for a Black Family to reach the Wealth level of a White Family Today

2) The Typical Black Woman with a college Degree is worth negative $11,000

3) Hard Work and College don’t close the racial wealth gap

4) How we all get it wrong about the Wealth Gap between Blacks & Whites in America

5) The Decadent Veil: Black America’s Wealth Illusion

By Antonio Moore - Attorney, Emmy Nominated Producer 'Freeway Crack in The System' Documentary